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Course Code: CEWP 215
When it comes to slick, highly functional sites, web designers get most of the credit. But they couldn't do what they do without the programmers, the unsung heroes of the web. If you're someone who likes to get inside the machine and see how it really works, this course is for you. You'll learn the fundamentals of Structured Query Language, relational database management, database storage structures and information retrieval. This course serves as the foundation for further studies in programming. And if you're reading this on the web, someone, maybe someone like you, took a course just like this and now has a pretty cool job.

Your take-away

This course is a great way to help you:
• Learn the fundamentals of SQL;
• Familiarize yourself with basic database management and access;
• Understand the basics of relational database management theory;
• Gain an understanding of database storage structures;
• Gain skills retrieving information using SQL Select.

Our approach

In this program, you'll gain real-world knowledge through active hands-on learning led by seasoned pros who'll show you the ropes. More excitingly, you'll be using the very latest software. You can't get skills like this on YouTube. This course is designed for the students to meet regularly during live synchronous learning in an online virtual classroom (Zoom).

Who benefits the most?

• Anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of web programming.
• Anyone looking to pursue studies or employment in the field of big data Students who want to work in advertising, animation, graphic design, website creation and management.
• Students looking onward to an academic path in web programming.
• Employees in marketing, communications or sales who want to refresh their skills or open new horizons.
• Small business owners or association members who manage their own communications.

Concordia CCE Loyalty Discount

All students who meet at least one of the following conditions, will receive a 10% discount on their CCE course or workshop tuition fees:

1)   Have completed a CCE, Undergraduate or Graduate course at Concordia University in a prior academic term;

2)   Have completed a language proficiency test (IELTS) at CCE;

3)   Have completed a CCE Professional Development Seminar/Workshop.

This discount is based on the information maintained in the Concordia University student information system.

NOTE: This discount does not apply to a language proficiency test enrollment (IELTS) nor to application fees for admission to a CCE program of study.


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